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Plant Nutrition Products

Water Soluble Fertilizers

For Foliar Spray & Fertigation

Crop yield and economy of cultivation are influenced by several factors; efficient uptake of nutrients from soil and as result higher nutrient use efficiency being one of the most important among them. Being readily soluble in water, Water soluble fertilizers (WSF) achieve this by releasing essential plant nutrients at the root zone from where they are readily absorbed and used elsewhere in the plant system.

Benefits of Water Soluble Fertilizer
  • 25-30% of recommended dose of fertilizer can be reduced by using WSF.
  • Essential nutrients can be applied uniformly to each and every plant even on daily basis.
  • Water soluble fertilizers lend themselves to different methods of application viz., foliar and fertigation. They are also suitable for soil application depending on requirement.
  • Wide range of nutrient grades are available.
  • As it is applied on crop requirement, it reduces accumulation of salts in soil
Product Range